Featuring a look at the art scene in the Champlain Valley
Last Updated: 09/15/2020 10:04PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
09/15/2020 10:04PM
Well-known local artist Katharine Montstream will be exhibiting artworks with her daughter Charlotte Dworshak in a show entitled Horizons at Katharine’s studio (Monstream Studio).
08/11/2020 03:41PM ● By John Gales
"It feels like we’ve been more active than ever, despite, and really because, of the lockdown. Even before we were all working from home, the staff came together to start thinking about how we could offer our programming remotely. "
07/27/2020 04:33AM ● By John Gales
One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and adult African Americans are 20% more likely to experience mental health issues compared to the general population.
07/11/2020 12:59AM
Now at home, CP Smith is focusing on maintaining our performance skills through an arts-integrated curriculum: a combination of music, dance/movement, art, and standard curriculum.