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Helping Clean Up Mother Earth With Planet Packs

I'm sure at some point you've looked around dismayed at the amount of litter on the ground around you. Often, it's most noticeable at the beach or in parks where one would hope people would be more conscientious about not littering.

Maybe you've thought about picking up the litter yourself, but unfortunately, you didn't have a trash bag on you or didn't want to get your hands dirty at that moment. That's where Planet People comes in. Their goal is to pick up litter... and they have created the perfect collection system for everyone.

Planet People Inc. is distributing the first 1,000 Planet Packs, primarily as donations to people or organizations that believe picking up litter should be more than a once-a-year activity. Ken will work with any earth-caring person or organization to create an implementation plan for his donation packs. His goal is to make another 1,000 packs as soon as funding is secure, onshore production, and make the product 100% green and sustainable. His model is to use donations, grants, and green corporate sponsors to produce packs for subsequent donations.

To apply for pack donations from Planet People please reach out to Ken at [email protected]  You can call him at 802-338-2439.

Please refer this program to teachers, youth groups, or environmental organizations. Planet People believe that together, we are bigger than litter.

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