Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery
05/23/2023 02:22PM ● By Janani Varatharajan
Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne Village is pleased to announce the opening of 'Instinctive Paths', a group exhibit showing works in diverse styles and mediums from our accomplished, regional artists.
The desire to express and share perspectives is an instinctive and vital act of being. While each artist may have an individual genesis of inspiration, creative process, and stylistic goal, the commitment to develop artistic works of substance is a shared path. As always, in our group exhibits you'll find a wide range of work from abstracts to landscapes, still lifes, art glass, and sculpture.
Featured artists include Bonnie Acker, Elizabeth Allen, Neil Berger, Annelein Beukenkamp, Leslie Fry, Holly Hauser, Kate Longmaid, David Maille, Mario Messina, Garrett Sadler, Jessica Scriver, and Richard Weis.
The exhibit opens with a public reception on Friday, May 26th, 5-7 pm, and will run through July 15th, 2023. All are welcome to the reception, as well as gallery browsing during regular hours.