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5 Ways to Find Inspiration

09/19/2016 04:33AM ● By Family Features
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When a significant goal or challenge stands before you, it may be tough to envision the finish line. Finding and drawing on what motivates and inspires you will make the journey toward that successful finish line more pleasant, and your ultimate victory that much sweeter.

Dig deep and find the fortitude you need to achieve ambitions big and small with these sensible tips.

1. Reflect on past experience. While it may seem contradictory to look into the past as you seek to arm yourself with inspiration for the future, the truth is, you can learn a lot from your personal history. Think about the situations throughout your life when you've felt most empowered and most inspired to be your very best. Consider what you can take from those circumstances and apply it to your current position.

2. Find what inspires you. Once you pinpoint what motivates you most, consider how to integrate it into the task or goal you're striving toward. For example, you could follow the lead of mountaineer Masha Gordon, who recently scaled Denali National Park in Alaska, her last climb of the Explorer's Grand Slam, which is an endurance challenge that requires climbing the highest peak on each of the seven continents and trekking to the North and South poles on skis.

"My children are my greatest inspiration, yet I couldn't bring them with me on my climbs," Gordon said. "I searched for a way to ensure that their inspirational words would always be with me. For my trek on Denali, I asked them to write motivational messages on my gear with Sharpie Extreme Permanent Markers, which have high-contrast ink that resists fading even when exposed to the most challenging conditions like harsh UV rays, snow, rain and mud. When I had moments where I struggled during the summit, I was able to gather strength from their words written on my gear."

3. Take a detour. If you're struggling to identify the right motivator for your situation, simply take a break and direct your energy elsewhere. Sometimes forcing your mind and heart to focus too strongly can prevent the most genuine feelings and emotions from surfacing. Taking a step back to gain perspective will allow time for the most authentic forms of inspiration to arise.

4. Surround yourself with inspiration. Put yourself on a better path by creating a lifestyle that lifts your spirits. Forge relationships with people who inspire you, and fill your physical space with idea boards including pictures and inspirational quotes that drive you to be your best.

5. Keep it simple. There are times when the end goal is prize enough, and that's perfectly OK. If the reward itself is the motivator, seize it and push forward with all of your might.

Find more ideas for expressing your inspiration at

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